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Monday, March 4, 2013

No Compulsion in Islam

No compulsion to accept Islam, so you don't have to convert to it. However, if you're both a truth seeker or Islam hater and not satisfied with this statement, you might also doubt it. It depends on how you perceive Islam so far. Surely, ignorant or ill-informed people will agree with any arguments which discredit Islam.

When you browse on the Internet and you come across something contrast to what is so called no compulsion in Islam, it's absolutely up to you to believe it or no. I have had a discussion before at another forum here on the Internet and the debate turned to be fierce as always. Some cynical remark as if saying just go convert to Islam and marry more women as you like, because prophet Muhammad (pbuh) practiced polygamy. It means you're not converting but make fun of it. There's no compulsion at all, you do it, you like it and you take advantage of it. But isn't it so easy? Not really, that's why you need to know the reason of the prophet's polygamy and so on.

There's a compulsion to accept Islam only when your soul get attracted to it without any pressure that makes you scared. At that stage you can say, I don't have to, but I should. While thinking of magic coming along with it is ridiculous, because all must be understood in logic. Even what is so called miracle, analogy anything you may presume silly, it's not anymore when your brain can take it. First thing to do is put away bigotry and blasphemy, that would be fair.

God urges us to think and think and think.

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